errr, ummm, sorry..
Looks like I caused some trouble.
Sorry 'bout that.
Thanks for the welcome sparkplug.
btw, that you used up your post limit per day in my wife's thread (exwitless - "hello we're new here" was the thread I think) to welcome us really meant a lot to us. You're pretty cool.
Hello Simon, you have a nice board here, I apreciate your support. Sorry for the trouble and that we had to meet this way.
LDH don't know why what I wrote was ego-centric. Not even sure what that means. Seriously. Honestly when I replied to what you wrote, I really hadn't paid all that much attention to the original, post (my bad). The are soooo many topics rolling by all the time that it is difficult to focus on them. I have never been on any board this active. I was just scanning the active topics, and happened to see this thread, scanned through it really quickly, and saw your line that I commented on. It just jumped out to me as the typical "trailer trash" stereotype and that got under my skin. While I won't appologize to you for something you wrote (the trailer stereotype), I will appologize to you for not expressing myself properly and will fully admit that I didn't read the thread better. So, I'm sorrry. Hope we can be friends.
Peace everybody,